Hello Neighbor!
LiVe Church is thrilled to be a part of this historic community. We want to introduce ourselves and hopefully get acquainted.
Since 2016, LiVe Church has been spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. Our Pastors, Tye and Shante Tribbett, have been dedicated to ministry for over 22 years.
At LiVe Church, we're more than just a church—we're a family. Our mission is to support, uplift, and grow together as a community. Whether you're looking for a place to worship, seeking support, or just want to meet friendly faces, LiVe Church is here for you.
We invite you to our Worship Services, Sundays at 11:30 AM
1 S. Cottage Hill Rd, Orlando, FL 32805
LOVE:We strongly believe in the “LOVE FIRST” principle. Before anything, we want you to know that YOU ARE LOVED by us just as you are, and most importantly, loved by our Heavenly Father. (Matt 22)
FAMILY: We see in Genesis that God established the family before He established the church. We hold Family in HIGH regard and building strong families are of paramount importance at Live Church. It is our desire to see families nurtured and strengthened as well as those without families to come into LiVe and find a new family!
WORSHIP:The Bible instructs us in Romans 12:1 to present our bodies as a LIVING SACRIFICE. We believe that this is one of the most accurate postures of True Worshipers! Giving, Serving, Praising in Song, Being kind, etc are all considered as WORSHIP to God and we are intentional about giving our BEST to him!
TRUTH: John 8:32 says, “And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” We are strong enforcers of the “TRUTH of a thing” and not just what’s popular or religious. We believe in the working of the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into ALL Truth, who is JESUS. It is in Him and Him alone, that we have Freedom and Liberty!
EXCELLENCE: Daniel 5 tells us how Daniel was elevated not because of his prayer life or Spiritual walk, but because he had an EXCELLENT Spirit. The Bible also records that David played SKILLFULLY and was anointed by God. At LiVe, we believe strongly in the balance of Anointing and Excellence.
EMPOWERMENT:At LiVe, we believe in “Bringing your Brain to church”. We are strong advocates of God Dependency! We aspire by the Spirit of the Living God to EMPOWER believers to do even Greater Works as Christ invites us to do! Our vision is to see Men, Women, Boys and Girls who can stand on their own as WHOLE individuals in Christ yet with the understanding that we are MANY members but ONE body!